Monday, April 27, 2009

Lambda Eta Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Spring 2009 Probate "Owt 2 Get '3M"

The Lambda Eta Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated inducted 23 new women of distinction on April 18, 2009. History was made at 5: 13 p.m. when the largest line of Old Dominion University performed their probate show at Kaufman Mall. The women started the show masked with hoodies, showing their greek letters, but keeping their identity a secret. Spectators including freinds, family, and many students, filled the area with balloons, and gifts for the new members. It was a largley anticipated even because the Lambda Eta Chapter had not inducted any new members since Spring 2007 when the line included 21 awsome individuals who now had the opportunity to bring in the neos.

Once the event was complete the 23 women were welcomed and embraced by Delta Sigma Theta and other greeks of the NPHC, Old Dominion University. The new members have started leadership roles on campus in the NPHC and their respective chapter. Congratulation Spring 2009 new Lambda Eta members: Owt 2 Get '3M(ship name).

-Number 5 Shaena Mosby (me) The ConDUCKtor

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